VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


After dedicating one year to the definition of concepts and to mapping the theoretical and practical state of the art in terms of social
impact, the experiment started at the beginning of 2017. At present, more than 55 companies have been recruited - out of the 69 planned by the end of 2018 - to test the social impact evaluation system developed by the project partners.
These "pilot companies" are mentored and observed by VISES partners over a period of time ranging from 6 to 18 months. The objective is to test the developed tool to better know their social impact.

As a reminder, companies follow a 3-step process to evaluate and valorise their social impact :

1. State of play and choice of the evaluative questions ;

2. Data collection ;

3. Data analysis and valorisation of the social impact.

While many of them are in phase 1 of the experiment, some enterprises started the 2nd phase of the process. The progress in
experimentation has made it possible to strengthen the research-action. Since the first half of 2017, research actors have begun to capitalise on the testing experiences within tester companies in order to adapt the system. Also, a first meeting, organised on June the 1st 2017 allowed the tester enterprises to meet and share their testing experiences.

In the second half of 2017, new companies will integrate the approach and test the tool in turn. As for the companies already recruited, most of them will shortly start phase 2 of the process ; Phase 3 is scheduled for 2018.


Here is a map to visualise the location of the tester companies supported by the VISES project :


  1. Zich aanpassen aan de wereld van ondernemingen
  2. Steunen op de bestaande sterktes
  3. Rekening houdend met de lokale en ondernemingsdiversiteit
  4. Luisteren naar de verwachtingen van de partners


zet anderen aan tot actie en tot het anders ondernemen.
Dit leidt op zijn beurt tot:

  • draagvlak en betrokkenheid van alle betrokkenen bevorderen
  • de ontwikkeling van activiteiten
  • meer steun van publiek en privaatpartners
  • het bestaande constant in vraag te stellen om de maatschappelijke nut te optimaliseren

ConcertES is het overlegorgaan voor de organisaties uit de sociale economie. ConcertES verenigt zo 17 federaties uit de sociale economie die actief zijn in Wallonië en Brussel.