VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


In 2016, the VISES project focused on synthesising the theory, studying the existing evaluation approaches and building a first proposal for a system to evaluate and valorise social impact.

Here we are in 2017, testing the findings in 69 tester enterprises through a research-action process carried out by the various partners of the VISES project.

These companies will follow 3 steps to evaluate and valorise their social impact :

1. State of play and choice of the evaluative question

2. Data collection

3. Data analysis and valorisation of the social impact

They are divided into 3 groups according to their objective :

• Social economy enterprises dedicated to the socio-professional integration of people far from employment ;

• Enterprises dedicated to providing a collective service to meet the basic needs of citizens with a view to universal accessibility. That is to say social enterprises that work mainly with a vulnerable public (early childhood, youth assistance, disability , care of the lederly, ...) ;

• Enterprises falling within the practices and values of the SSE and offering goods and services in all sectors of activity, with the exception of structures with insertion and / or solidarity as core activity (citizen cooperatives, workers’ cooperatives, actors of permanent education, micro-credit, ...).


Today, they begin the first stage of the programme, which is composed of the following sub-steps :

• Familiarisation with evaluation issues ;

• Realisation of an identikit of the company through a proposed framework of analysis ;

• Choice of an evaluative question to determine the objective of the evaluation process (= the reason why the company embarks on this social impact assessment) ;

• Choice of the most appropriate "data collection" methodology (indicators, interviews, surveys, focus group, life story, ...).

Let’s wish them a successful job !


ConcertES est la concertation des organisations représentatives de l’économie sociale. ConcertES rassemble ainsi 17 fédérations d’économie sociale actives en Wallonie et à Bruxelles.