VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


In 2017, on the French side, the AVISE, the Fonda and the Labo ESS, have joined forces to lead a project on creating value in the SSE.

Because of the proximity of their study, entitled "SSE and new forms of value creation - a prospective approach to the measurement of social impact", to the VISES project, it is quite natural that the two working groups are brought together and connected in order to pool skills and resources. Thus, some of the VISES project partners participate in the project
meetings led by the three actors mentioned above, which are, in turn, invited to contribute with insights in the framework of the VISES project.

We warmly welcome this partnership, proof of the growing interest on the theme of social impact and its measurement / valorisation within the SSE sector today !

Nos principes clés

  1. S’adapter au monde de l’entreprise
  2. S’appuyer sur les forces existantes
  3. Prendre en compte la diversité des entreprises et des territoires
  4. Ecouter les attentes des partenaires

Valoriser l’impact social ...

c’est susciter l’engouement pour agir et entreprendre différemment et :

  • favoriser l’adhésion et l’implication de tous
  • inspirer la création d’activités
  • renforcer le soutien de partenaires publics et privés
  • inviter à revisiter l’existant pour optimiser l’utilité sociale

ConcertES est la concertation des organisations représentatives de l’économie sociale. ConcertES rassemble ainsi 17 fédérations d’économie sociale actives en Wallonie et à Bruxelles.