VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


How to clearly display the assets of enterprises in the social and solidarity economy ; their social and economic performance, territorial anchoring or participation in social and societal transformation ?

In 2016, federations, research centres, solidarity finance institutions joined forces with social and solidarity economy businesses for four years with the ambition to guide them in their assessment of their social impact. The project called VISES is conducted in France and Belgium to design, test and disseminate a system for promoting the social impact of social entrepreneurship.

Two years have passed, and here is an overview of the partnership-based cross-border project :

More information about testing companies of the VISES project.

The approach adopted in the VISES project has a particular legitimacy compared to other research projects conducted on impact. This is based on the combination of 3 dimensions : the development of a common reference system (lexicon, schema) ; in-house experimentation that takes into account the diversity that characterises the SSE sector ; and co-creation (neither top-down nor bottom-up).

Here is an overview of some of our learnings after 2 years of collaboration :


More information on the motivations of the test companies.

Nos principes clés

  1. S’adapter au monde de l’entreprise
  2. S’appuyer sur les forces existantes
  3. Prendre en compte la diversité des entreprises et des territoires
  4. Ecouter les attentes des partenaires

Valoriser l’impact social ...

c’est susciter l’engouement pour agir et entreprendre différemment et :

  • favoriser l’adhésion et l’implication de tous
  • inspirer la création d’activités
  • renforcer le soutien de partenaires publics et privés
  • inviter à revisiter l’existant pour optimiser l’utilité sociale

ConcertES est la concertation des organisations représentatives de l’économie sociale. ConcertES rassemble ainsi 17 fédérations d’économie sociale actives en Wallonie et à Bruxelles.